Friday, October 10, 2008

Holding Your Ground

I read the article, "Perry's stand on bailout could be governor's race issue" by Jason Embry of American Statesman. The article talks about Perry's ideas on the Government bailout plan. Governor Rick Perry wants it to seem he has a neutral stance towards the bailout plan, I think only so he is not chastised by the ones who support the bill. Perry shows his views of the plan by saying, “leave partisanship at the door and pass an economic recovery package." Take what you will of this statement to me it does not support the plan, but supports a plan that betters the economy. Good statement because it does not directly lean toward a side and can be interpreted in multiple ways. I think Perry has a good point when he says, "In a free market economy, government should not be in the business of using taxpayer dollars to bail out corporate America." I’m not a finance expert but in my opinion they could have tried other options. I don’t remember which senator it was but one of them mentioned leaving it to the private enterprise to fix with support to them. One idea I thought of was creating incentives maybe tax breaks for people or business to buy these properties. Whatever the plan I’m glad Perry stood up for his opinion and didn’t go with the flow.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Good idea on the tax breaks and incentives. Another good idea was to start from the bottom up. Rather than bailing out the big shots, the gov't could have given money to those struggling to pay their mortgages. There were many good ideas proposed. That is why I'm confused as to why Obama pushed alongside Bush for a $700 billion bailout. And he's for the little people? Printing 700 billion dollars out of thin air and handing it over to Wall Street may pick up the economy temporarily but I'm still wondering if our politicians realize that they just inflated the dollar? Am I the ignorant one, or did Obama and the rest of our so-called 'leaders' fall asleep during their Economics class?