Friday, November 21, 2008

Union Control

In the article “The Strike of Capital Metro”, Haowei seems to keep a neutral and information view in her article on the strike. I have a neutral stance but I worry of unions driving up costs and instability of the business. As we have heard recently in the struggling Big 3 automakers with the heavy expenditures of union workers. I believe people should always try to better themselves. There are consequences like automotive and computers companies just outsource to other countries to get around unions causing fewer jobs in America. I work for public education and forced to do personal bargaining. I don’t believe companies should just pay you more because you want; you have to be able to present a reason for further investing in you. One way is taking a form of training or education.
Not my position to judge whether the strike was valid or not. My point about unions is they are good in control, so don’t abuse the great idea of a union. You should bargain when conditions are unfair, not abuse your power because if the company goes down your members are worse off than before the union. I couldn’t believe I saw on the ballot asking if firefighters and police officers should be allowed to strike, there are certain services you cannot put on hold while contract terms are worked out.

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