Friday, December 12, 2008

Texas Energy

In the article, "Clean energy to Texas", the author writes about the benefits that Texas/Texans gain from the involvement of companies working for clean energy. I agree with the author in that it could be good if Texas becomes self reliant for energy. I'm glad that energy conservation has become the new "in" . Mother nature is in need of some help after the years of being on the back burner. I read the article, "Pond scum could be the fuel of the future" by the Asher Price of the Statesman. This article talks about how the University of Texas is hopeful about gaining government funding for a new technology that could provide bio diesel from algae cells. The University of Texas is home to the largest collection of algae in the world. I have also heard that Pedernales Electric Company, which is the electricity company in my area, allows for you to ask that your electricity come from wind farms. I think it is good that companies support energy advances because they have a lot of pull in the government and a lot of influence in society. There is alot of potential in Texas because of its array of different environments, and we are in need of something to replace our oil income.

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